Valentine’s Day is a commercial holiday, but who of us would not like to be loved, noticed, appreciated, feel close to us and have full confidence in someone special? Certainly, no one would like to be hated on social media by random trolls, rude treatment, for example, in a bank by a tired clerk. Probably no one would like to be disregarded by their superiors who, in the most difficult time of the pandemic, see only the end of their nose instead of being a leader and taking care of their team of employees …
Every day we need sensitivity like oxygen to live. We choose dentists who will delicately smear the gum with an anesthetic before inserting the needle. We are happy to visit the greengrocer, where we will be served with a smile by a friendly saleswoman and she will sell the goods, showing us a little courtesy. It will make life a little easier. We will work with commitment when the boss praises us in front of the team for a job well done.
So little is needed for us to put each other in a good mood with a smile, to kindly help pick up a thing that has fallen, to support with a kind word when someone has a sick person in the family. Sometimes it is enough to assure a willingness to help, to remind about prayer with a small gesture of remembrance, to ask for health, to encourage an elderly person who has been locked at home for a long time by a pandemic. Or show you some options for getting out of trouble. Bringing hope is sometimes the only help, but the most needed one. This virtue may be lacking especially in times of a pandemic, in problems, in ordinary everyday life. Being good as bread and being ordinary at the same time is a feature of many saints.
The main idea of Valentine’s Day is to make money from people’s feelings and emotions. Today’s media, including social media, feed us exactly the same. Eternal quarrels, dividing Poles into two different camps so as to be able to control our behavior; aversion, hatred, handicrafts and hurtful words – similarly „trade” our attention and emotions. These „loving divisions” between supporters and opponents are at least positive. Let Valentine’s Day be a time of warnings for us not to lose love, sacrifice, closeness and taking care of each other.
Caring for the three words „please”, „thank you”, „sorry” in everyday life – this is an expression of love. So you can offer today just such a gift that will bring people closer together. And the greatest gift is forgiveness of harm suffered by someone. However, this forgiveness must be matured, sometimes grown up.
When love is „lost”, there is still tenderness, and this is worth showing especially to your relatives. Remember that each of us changes every day, so we can „miss out” with our loved ones. In England, statistically speaking, giving birth spends 4.5 minutes a day talking to the baby. Is it possible to raise another person during this time? Can you get to know his life plans and help him make important decisions? More frequent conversation, especially about changes in behavior, favorite choices or dreams, will allow us not to miss our spouse or child. Let’s share ourselves with loved ones.
Tenderness is also touching, hugging, supporting each other in a physical, real and not virtual closeness. A person needs a hug 4 times a day to live; 8 times a day – to live a normal life; 12 times a day – to develop well. This touch to lonely people is often provided by beloved pets. Parents, however, should hug their children and each other as often as possible. Let Valentine’s Day remind us that you need to take care of love every day. Also in the memory of the patron saint of seriously ill people. Time is love.