More happiness is in giving …

„A bag of rice” – is a campaign to help children in Kenya and Ecuador. It was invented ten years ago by students and today is a thriving, fruitful charity initiative.

Our action was created out of the need of the moment when ten years ago girls from St. Anthony in Limuru, Kenya, led by Polish Franciscans, required wholesome meals, and these were lacking. Similarly to learning utensils, hygiene products, etc. Then the young people of the Franciscan academic chaplaincy „Porcjunkula” in Poznań invented the action „A bag of rice”, thus referring to the daily portion of a meal consumed by millions of people in the world that fits in the hand – this is how they describe the beginnings of their activity – the organizers of the campaign. After a few years – they add – the action covered many parishes, schools, institutions and individuals all over Poland and thanks to this commitment we are doing good. Currently, together with the Franciscan Foundation „Create Love”, we support aid programs for children in need in Kenya and Ecuador.

According to the United Nations, more than 800 million people worldwide suffer from hunger or malnutrition each year. In Kenya and Ecuador, where Franciscan missionaries work, the problem of malnutrition is often just as real and increases during prolonged drought, but also through inter-tribal conflicts, terrorist attacks and poor distribution of gifts.

The volunteers of the action say: “We realize that we will not solve the problem of hunger in the world by ourselves, just as the Apostles with a few loaves and fish were not able to feed the crowds. However, with God’s help, with faith, and with our combined efforts, we can help the specific people our missionaries know and thus help reduce hunger even for a small fraction of the people. Thanks to the symbolic 100 grams of rice, beans or corn, which for millions of people in the world, especially children, are the only food throughout the day, each of us can save someone’s life and contribute to the proper development of a human being. ”

This year, the annual collection is held under the slogan: „It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).

From last year’s record collection with a total value of PLN 282,115.01, the funds were largely allocated to feeding children, but also to equipping the health center run by the Franciscans in Ruiri, Kenya, where equipment for rescuing newborns and their mothers was purchased. Numerous projects were also implemented to support, inter alia, education in Ecuador.

The organizers draw attention to the upcoming Easter, which may be an opportunity to share one’s goods with the needy, but also to join in prayer for people suffering from hunger through fasting.

– This charitable action is about learning to live in such a way as to give what we can to others. Therefore, we encourage you to try to live the whole day with this portion of rice at least once a week during Lent and experience what many people experience every day. It is important, however, not to treat it as a slimming diet, but to raise an intention in prayer that will accompany the sacrifices, so as not to lose any aspect of Lent, i.e. prayer, fasting and almsgiving – encourage volunteers.

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