Let us believe in the resurection and then even the most dangerous virus will be a tiny pollen agaist the virus of sin.
Most likely we will all die. The Chance of parousia exist in every generation, of course., but if we fail, death awaits us. For thouse who believe in a loving God, it’s just a gate – no drama, no roulette, no scythe killer. This is a Chance for everything to be according to his will again. „Who wants to go to heaven?”, „Who wants to go to heaven today?” There are few positive answers to these questions. Perhaps we doubt the resurection. Waiting for Easter morning is more a Wonder over all power than a proof that with such a Savior it is a profit for us to die.
One of the best stories by Stanisław Morożek that I remember – Epidemy (1983), draws attention to the conspiracy of silence thet engulfed humanity in connention with a certain tricky and deadly and unknown disease. „Cholera, typhus and other diseases have names and symptoms. They are not made a secret. When there are epidemics, everyone talks about tchem, and there is a big deal in general. But – and that’s interesting – those suffering from these diseases recover. However, the one I discovered, kills for sure. No one since time immemorial, but no one has survived it.” – the master wrote. This story has its charm in the fact that the main character hopes to the end that he did not fall ill with this disease. I do not need to write that this epidemic is simply our life, which, whether we like i tor not, is heading towards the inevitable death. I think that a huge crowd of people do not want to notice this fact and are quite successful in this field.
I experienced one of the strangest things in talking about death at my cousin’s wedding. Tomas married Jessica, a charming American. I – as the first best man – made it a point of honor, to deliver a flowery speech about the life and adventures of my brother, embellished with jokes and anecdots from our life together. I asked an outstanding translator to help me smooth the text, add fancy idioms and simplify it. Despite the light narrative, in this speech I could not fail to mention Marie, my beloved aunt, and mother of Tomas, who was unfortunately killed by cancer a few years before her son’s wedding. So I wove a memory of her and reflection so that we appreciate every moment, because many of those who planned their day today have not woken up. Imagine my surprise when, after this sentence, a real volcano of unreserved laughter and unbridled cheerfulness erupted in the entire gathering of wedding guests. After the ceremony I asked one of my brother’s friends what was so funny about that sentence. „I must admit that nothing, but we can not listen to about death „ – she answered a bit embarrassed.
I think that we are also affected by this impotence. We will die, maybe even today. But I am asking myself and you, dear reader, let us believe in the resurrection ane then even the most dangerous virus will be a tine pollen against the virus of sin that can kill us much more premanently.
Marek Nowak